Green Diamond Forestry & Trades

The Green Diamond Forestry & Trades Scholarship is awarded to who have an interest in or are working in the field of Forestry or related industries who directly or indirectly support the broader business of Green Diamond. Additional requirements for this scholarship are listed below.

1. Open to Forestry, Automotive Mechanics, Electrician, Machine and Metal Working, Welding, Truck Driving, and Business majors.
2. Must have a financial need.
3. Must plan to stay and work in Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, or Mendocino counties.
4. Interest in working in Natural Resources, Forestry, or related industries.
5. Must submit an additional essay describing the need for funds and career aspirations.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please describe your financial need and career aspirations.
  2. Do you plan to stay and work in Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity or Mendocino Counties, post graduation?